IC-ENC Secondment Opportunities
Secondments have been identified as an important scheme for IC-ENC to ensure it remains up to date with understanding the membership, whilst also allowing Members to share skills, knowledge and experiences.
Some key benefits:
Familiarisation: To gain a general understanding of other office processes. To have insight into the inner workings of how a different HO operates.
Skill building: To acquire or advance skills which can later be shared with the Secondee’s HO once the new skills have been practiced.
Networking: Interacting with fellow Members to exchange information and develop relationships.
Knowledge sharing: To share greater knowledge of a topic with the Secondee which can later be shared with their HO.
We believe that this program will not only benefit our Members individually, but also strengthen our global collaboration.
To read more about the scheme’s policy and working practice, please click here.
“The knowledge and skills I have received are crucial not only for my personal development, but also for taking ENHD's quality management initiatives forward.”
- Hassan El-Halawany, Head of Hydrographic Division in the Egyptian Navy Hydrographic Department (secondment within UKHO)
If you would like to be alerted when a new secondment opportunity is added to this page, please click the button below.
Open Opportunities
IC-ENC: eLearning Creation - September
Date and timeframe: Monday 1st September to 26th September 2025
Purpose of secondment: The successful candidate will lead on the continuous improvement to our IC-ENC Learning Management System (LMS) in particular relating bite size eLearning on S-100 related topics. The IC-ENC Learning Management System (LMS) is a key resource for Members with over 600 accounts. This project will build leadership, project management and analytical skills.
Liaise with external and internal stakeholders
Design / plan the eLearning S-100 topics – through PowerPoint for Subject Matter Expert (SME) review
Use Articulate 360 to create the bitesize eLearning topics for the LMS
Secondee requirements:
Candidates should have knowledge / experience of S-100 topics
Advantage to have skills in eLearning packages
Candidates should have experience working in a field related to hydrography
Candidates should have experience in ENCs and validation
Strong resume reflecting continued interest in Continuous Improvements
Must read, write and speak English proficiently
Be proficient in Microsoft Office packages
Pre-work: No pre-work required
Follow up work: The delegate to share their experience with future Member eLearning creators. Secondee is also to provide a journal / article to IC-ENC sharing their experience. Secondee to share their learnings at IC-ENC Technical Conference or Steering Committee (if appropriate). Any relevant information to be shared with Members via the IC-ENC LMS.
Capacity: 2 delegates
Language: English
Deadline for applications: Friday 28th March 2025
Read about the EWH eLearning secondment which took place in October 2024 - Click here
To read more about the secondment scheme policy and working practice, please click here
UKHO Quality Management Systems & ISO9001 familiarisation
Dates and timeframe: The secondment will take place across 2 weeks from Monday 8th - Friday 19th September 2025.
Purpose of secondment: To share experiences of UKHO’s approach to managing quality, its quality management system, and ISO9001 accreditation
Desired outcomes / benefits: The secondee will be given the opportunity to gain a formal qualification as either a ISO9001 Internal Auditor or ISO9001 Lead Auditor (course dependent on secondee experience). The successful applicant will then be able to apply the learning within their home office in order to develop own quality management practices. Content will include: ISO9001 principles and practical application, internal auditing, governance, management reporting, continuous improvement.
Structure: During week one, the secondee will be enrolled onto the Bywater ISO9001 course which will conclude with a formal exam. During week two the secondee will be embedded within the UKHO Business Assurance Team and have the opportunity to visit multiple functions across the organisation to see how ISO9001 principles have been adopted in practice. The secondee may have opportunity to do some of their own work when time allows.
Secondee requirements: This opportunity would suit a managerial level individual who is responsible for departmental/HO outputs, with authority to recommend/implement improvement activity. Secondee will need to bring their own laptop.
Pre-work: Familiarisation with ISO9001 Standard. Online sessions with UKHO team.
Follow up work: Online support/mentoring from UKHO team if secondee is setting up own quality management system. Secondee to provide a journal/article to IC-ENC sharing their experience. Secondee to share their learnings at IC-ENC Technical Conference or Steering Committee (if appropriate). Any relevant information to be shared with Members via the IC-ENC LMS.
Capacity: 1 attendee
Language: English
Deadline for applications: Friday 11th April 2025
Read about the first 2025 Member to Member secondment, hosted by UKHO - Click here
To read more about the secondment scheme policy and working practice, please click here
UKHO Quality Management Systems & ISO9001 familiarisation
Dates and timeframe: The secondment will take place across 2 weeks in January, with dates remaining flexible.
Purpose of secondment: To share experiences of UKHO’s approach to managing quality, its quality management system, and ISO9001 accreditation
Desired outcomes / benefits: The secondee will be given the opportunity to gain a formal qualification as either a ISO9001 Internal Auditor or ISO9001 Lead Auditor (course dependent on secondee experience). The successful applicant will then be able to apply the learning within their home office in order to develop own quality management practices. Content will include: ISO9001 principles and practical application, internal auditing, governance, management reporting, continuous improvement.
Structure: During week one, the secondee will be enrolled onto the Bywater ISO9001 course which will conclude with a formal exam. During week two the secondee will be embedded within the UKHO Business Assurance Team and have the opportunity to visit multiple functions across the organisation to see how ISO9001 principles have been adopted in practice. The secondee may have opportunity to do some of their own work when time allows.
Secondee requirements: This opportunity would suit a managerial level individual who is responsible for departmental/HO outputs, with authority to recommend/implement improvement activity. Secondee will need to bring their own laptop.
Pre-work: Familiarisation with ISO9001 Standard. Online sessions with UKHO team.
Follow up work: Online support/mentoring from UKHO team if secondee is setting up own quality management system. Secondee to provide a journal/article to IC-ENC sharing their experience. Secondee to share their learnings at IC-ENC Technical Conference or Steering Committee (if appropriate). Any relevant information to be shared with Members via the IC-ENC LMS.
Capacity: 1 attendee
Language: English
Deadline for applications: Monday 28th October 2024
Read about the first Member to Member secondment, hosted by UKHO in August 2024 - Click here
To read more about the secondment scheme policy and working practice, please click here
Upcoming Opportunities
Opportunity to be confirmed
Validation Team Overview
Danish Geodata Agency
Opportunity to be confirmed
Panama Canal Authority
Opportunity to be confirmed
Australian Hydrographic Office
Opportunity to be confirmed
Read about Member experiences
We welcome ALL secondment ideas in order to make sure we meet the unique needs and goals of our Members.
If your office would like to host a secondment, please complete the short form by clicking the button below.