Product Development & Testing Licence

An environment which provides organisations with access to S-1XX trial datasets to encourage innovation and testing

We have developed a Product Development and Testing (PDT) Licence type, supported by the IC-ENC Distribution Working Group, to create a controlled environment which provides organisations with access to S-100 datasets produced by IC-ENC Members, enabling them and others to develop, innovate and test new product ideas internally and in the market before moving to a ‘live’ service.

The Solution

Our PDT Licence type gives you access to use selected IC-ENC S-1XX test datasets for the following purposes:

  • Research for potential commercial opportunities

  • Demonstrate and promote your own software or equipment

  • Live trials or tests

  • Promote collaboration and innovation at events/showcases

  • Work with third-parties to develop and test your own products

The Benefits

Access the latest S-1XX trial datasets from IC-ENC Members

Get access to the latest S-1XX trial datasets which IC-ENC Members have been developing. Currently, 34 Members are opted in to the PDT scheme and are starting to provide the following S-1XX product types:

S-101 S-102 S-104 S-111 S-122 S-123 S-128


Use S-1XX test data to research and develop your ideas, create working product prototypes, conduct live trials or time-bound events, and identify potential commercial opportunities.


In return, we ask that you provide us with feedback on the data you have used. We can then provide your feedback to our Members to help them improve their S-1XX products. Where applicable, we will also provide your feedback to the relevant IHO Working Groups to support development of the S-100 Standards.

The Licence

Please click here to view and download a copy of the PDT Licence.

To request access, please contact us using the button below.


Release Notes

Release Notes are issued with each PDT Release, and provide details of the S-1XX test datasets available under the PDT Licence.


All S-1XX trial data released under our PDT can be viewed in our S-100 Graphical Catalogue.

PDT Signatories

PDT Released Data