Our coverage

IC-ENC Members are producing and maintaining an ENC database made up of over 12,000 ENC base cells, which continues to grow each week.

S- 57 Graphical Catalogue

Our graphical catalogue contains the global portfolio of over 14,000 S-57 ENCs (2024), which are made available via IC-ENC, PRIMAR and non-RENC distribution services.

The catalogue can also be accessed as an OGC Web Feature Service and as an OGC Feature Layer using the following endpoints

OGC Web Feature Service

OGC Feature Layer

To obtain ENC data, please contact one of IC-ENC’s Value Added Resellers.

If you have any issues accessing the online catalogue, please contact therenc@ic-enc.org.

IC-ENC Listing of Available ENCs and Weekly Changes

The catalogue.txt file provides detailed information about the ENCs currently available from IC-ENC and is updated weekly.

The IC-ENC P-Weekly file provides a list of the latest changes to the IC-ENC database, including all new cells, new editions and updates which have been released by IC-ENC in the last week. This file is also updated on a weekly basis.

To download these files, please click on the buttons below.

S-100 Graphical Catalogue

We are pleased to announce that our S-100 Graphical Catalogue is now live. You can use this catalogue to view S-1XX trial datasets released under our Product Development & Testing Licence.