Greece host Chile, Peru & Ecuador: S-102 Focus
From September 30th to October 11th 2024, the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (HNHS) were proud to host the latest IC-ENC Member-to-Member secondment. This initiative welcomed participants from the hydrographic services of Chile, Peru, and Ecuador, who were selected to take part in this unique opportunity. The primary focus of the secondment was on the production and development of S-102 products. During their time at HNHS, participants gained valuable insights into various aspects of hydrographic operations, including hands-on experiences in field data collection and in-depth exposure to data processing techniques at the HNHS facilities.
(Left to right) HN, Simón Catalán Méndez, Adrian Flores Villa, Lieutenant Commander Dimitrios Litsas, Mauricio Venegas & Guillermo Barragán Benítez
The successful applicants provided short statements to reflect on their time with HNHS.
Mauricio Venegas from Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada, Chile writes:
“The experience of the internship carried out in the dependencies in both acquiring and processing bathymetric information was very well received and appreciated. Joint work was encouraged and experiences were shared both from the people of Greece and from the participants from Ecuador, Peru and Chile.
The knowledge we were able to acquire from them was very gratifying and applicable in our work both in the field and in the office, as well as the experience of our work that we were able to transmit to them in their processes, I hope it has been helpful in their future.
We would like to thank all those who were part of these two weeks of internship for everything transmitted, taught and the desire to want to learn from us as well.”
Ing. Guillermo Barragán Benítez from Instituto Oceanográfico Y Antártico De La Armada, Ecuador writes:
“The HNHS is a complete hydrographic service that has trained personnel and the necessary tools to carry out quality hydrographic surveys. Throughout the secondment we were able to share and learn from the hands of trained hydrographers and cartographers, providing us with reliability in each process that led to the final objective, an S-102 product.
Enthusiasm was one of the first feelings when carrying out a hydrographic survey with the HNHS staff, a unique experience sharing a hydrographic boat and also an office to analyze and process the data together. Sometimes the various criteria made us analyze together and come up with a solution, on other occasions listening to one of the participants was enough to know that we all thought the same thing. The guidance of the HNHS staff was essential, but also a very obvious contrast was the knowledge of each participant in each process.
(Left to right) Chief Petty Officer Anastasia Papadimitriou, Maria Petroulia, Lieutenant Commander Dimitrios Litsas HN with the secondees
Everything learned will be very relevant to contrast it with the current processes of the Hydrographic Service of Ecuador, in addition to having obtained the knowledge to create an S-102 product using the CARIS software, which will help implement a required and necessary process in the update of IHO standards.”
Simón Catalán Méndez from Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy, Chile writes:
"The internship held in Greece, organized by IC-ENC and the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (HNHS), focused on the acquisition and processing of bathymetric data and the creation of products in the S-102 format, a new international standard in electronic charting.
During the experience, valuable technical skills were acquired in multibeam data acquisition, with practical fieldwork, followed by advanced processing in the lab using the HIPS&SIPS software, enabling the generation of cartographic products that meet the new international standards.
The exchange of knowledge with participating hydrographic services, such as those from Ecuador, Peru, and the host country Greece, allowed for a comparison of workflows and improvements in processes. Additionally, the importance of implementing the S-102 standard, which will enhance the precision and safety of maritime navigation, was emphasized.
In summary, this internship provided an enriching opportunity to learn about best practices in hydrography and the validation of S-102 bathymetric products, offering valuable lessons that will soon be implemented at the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA)."
Adrian Flores Villa from Directory of Hydrography and Navigation, Peru writes:
“First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to IC-ENC and HNHS for giving me the opportunity to participate in this experience, with the aim of enhancing my knowledge in the field of hydrography.
Regarding the hydrographic survey aboard a Greek Navy vessel, it was my first time working with a TELEDYNE Reson 7125 echo sounder. I gained valuable insights into the techniques used for these tasks, such as RTK positioning solutions, which are not typically used in my country. I now see this as an additional tool in case of failures in the satellite signal antennas we use. I also learned how to use the PDS software for bathymetric data acquisition, becoming familiar with its various features and ease of use for carrying out essential tasks during a hydrographic survey. The most striking feature for me was the "replay" tool, which allows the modification of survey parameters and the correction of any errors, such as calibration issues.
During data processing, I improved my proficiency with Caris HIPS and SIPS software, which will be highly beneficial as it has been used by the Peruvian Directory of Hydrography and Navigation for several years. I discovered new capabilities and tools that will help optimize and expedite work within my department.
Another key takeaway was learning about the creation of the S-102 format, which will be of great importance in my work as all hydrographic services are currently migrating to S-100 formats. The S-102 bathymetric surface layer directly relates to my area of expertise, and this knowledge will enable to implement what I've learned and stay aligned with the advancement of the S-100 format, meeting the standards set by the IHO.
All the knowledge I have gained will be essential for applying what I’ve learned in my field of work and for sharing it with my team, allowing us to move forward together and meet the S-100 standards.”
Captain Ioannis Asteriou HN (HNHS Director) and the HNHS secondees
For more information about this initiative, whether it is regarding hosting a secondment or taking part in one, please click here or alternatively contact