Dates and timeframe: The secondment will take place on Monday 19th - Friday 23rd May 2025
Purpose of secondment: To focus on advancing sustainability initiatives, with the opportunity to shape the overall structure of the secondment dependent on what the secondee would like to achieve and learn. Possible areas of focus could include:
Gain insight into how UKHO implements sustainability-related strategies and policies
Clarify and better understand secondee’s overall sustainability goals
Support the development of secondee’s own sustainability plan (supply chains, social value, product development, product design etc)
Understand frameworks for sustainability reporting and compliance
Desired outcomes / benefits:
Increase awareness around the importance of sustainability
Contributing to meaningful environmental and social impact causes
Knowledge transfer on sustainability practices
Understanding how to implement and manage sustainability projects
Structure: Day 1: overview of UKHO and secondees sustainability model. Day 2: knowledge starter points. Day 3: drafting of secondee sustainability plan. Day 4 & 5: working on & development of sustainability plan.
Secondee requirements: Someone who has the ability to effectively influence, lead, develop and implement change within their organisation. Secondee will need to bring their own laptop.
Pre-work: No pre-work required.
Follow up work: Secondee to provide a journal/article to IC-ENC sharing their experience. Secondee to share their learnings at IC-ENC Technical Conference or Steering Committee (if appropriate). Any relevant information to be shared with Members via the IC-ENC LMS.
Capacity: 1 attendee
Language: English
Deadline for applications: Friday 21st February 2024
Read about the first Member to Member secondment, hosted by UKHO in August 2024 - Click here
To read more about the secondment scheme policy and working practice, please click here