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Spain host Chile: Bathymetric Data Processing

Mr. Jorge Henríquez Garrido (left) and Navy Commander and Director, Salvador Espinosa González-Llanos (right)

The Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM), based in Cadiz, Spain, hosted the next IC-ENC secondment from 16th to 27th September 2024. Mr. Jorge Henríquez Garrido, a Bathymetric Database Compiler (BDHC) from the Department of Hydrography at the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA), was the selected secondee. His participation was lead by Lt Cdr Luis Javier Gomez Saavedra who created an in depth schedule focusing on Bathymetric Data Processing and the Conceptual Implementation of the S-100/S-102 Product Standard.

Upon his arrival, Jorge was welcomed by Navy Commander and Director of IHM, Salvador Espinosa González-Llanos. Commander Espinosa extended a warm reception to Jorge before the secondment officially began. During this period, the IHM provided access to its extensive experience, facilities, and training, delivered by highly qualified specialists. The main goal was to foster the exchange of knowledge and experiences between both countries, supporting the transition to the new international standard for Electronic Cartographic Production, S-100/S-102.

Jorge shares an overview of the activities and key learnings from his time at IHM:

Week one, generalities:

• Understanding the structure of the IHM Database

• Attribute fields and nomenclatures of the IHM Database

• Importance of the standardization of files, data and products.

A presentation is made in the Cartography and Photogrammetry room:

• Development of an IHM Cartographic Compilation

• Exchange of impressions regarding different Hydro-cartographic Departments.

Mr. Jorge Henríquez Garrido (left) with Antonia Navarro Pérez and Eduardo Pol Bernal, Hydrography and Database Section

Week two, Bathymetric Compilation and standard conceptual preparation S – 102:

 • Concept and methodologies of bathymetric compilation.

• Analysis of the workflow for a Bathymetric Compilation.

• Extraction of surfaces from the Database, analysis, resolution of conflicts between surfaces, delimitation of hydrographed zone vs. water zone.

• Generation of a Single Combined Base Without Conflict.

• Generation of an Interpolated Bathymetric Base.

• Object generation: (SOUNDG, DEPCTN, DEPARE, M_QUAL, OBSTRN, UNSARE, others)

• CONCEPTUAL idea for S-102 implementation

• Restructuring of the BDB for S-100 standard preparation

 Jorge’s final reflections:

This Member-to-Member secondment significantly enhanced my understanding of managing Bathymetric Databases, their products, and applications. It also provided valuable conceptual insights that will strengthen our institution's progress toward implementing the S-100/S-102 standard.

Mr. Jorge Henríquez Garrido with Antonia Navarro Pérez

IHM considers the secondment mutually beneficial for both IHM and SHOA. Lt Cdr Luis Javier Gomez Saavedra (secondment lead) stated “Not only did we have the opportunity to share our workflow relating to S-102 and database management with Jorge, he also introduced us to SHOA's methods and database organisation, which have been valuable in improving our own database.”